Main components and uses of calcined magnesia Manufacturing and chemical and electrical industry
Time:2023-04-03 11:23

Reburning magnesia

With MgO as the main chemical component and periclase equiaxed crystal system as the mineral component, the product is an alkaline refractory raw material sintered at high temperature, with stable chemical composition, good purity, and high density. It is widely used in the processing and manufacturing of various alkaline magnesium products, shaped and amorphous products, and the chemical and electrical industry.

The product is Mgo as the main chemical composition.and axis forthe periclase crystal,sintered at high temperature

alkaline refract-oryraw materials,it has features of stablechemical composition,gooddensity,widely used in basic

Magnesium products, Shaping, Unshaped Physical and Chemical Indication Specification


